An enjoyable Trip to New York

In this report, I will be answering the following questions: Is it worth it to visit New York? and what places can you visit? New York is a city known for its lights and colors that last all night long; for its streets and avenues that represent different cultures and tell different stories about many people who come from different countries all day long, and what makes every single one of them and who they are very unique. If you get to visit New York City, you also get to meet new people, try lots of food, have new experiences, and even make new friends. New York City, officially the City of New York, and normally called the Big Apple, is a city formed by its five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and State Island, each one of them is a home for different people with traditions, costumes and certain lifestyles. (ENCICLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA, 2018)

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(Pinterest, 2012)

Climate, flora, fauna

The average temperature in the city is about 31° F in winter and about 72°F in summer, a record also says that extreme temperatures in New York go from -15 to 106°F.

The city’s flora and fauna mainly exemplify the various changes in ecosystem that the city suffers; they are both represented by the predominant animals along the city, that can be easily seen by everyone who travels through the subway at least once a day; this terrestrial animals are the cockroach  and the Norway rat, that were both introduced to the city via trade from Europe; Despite the above, around 80 species of fish, scores of birds from falcons to pigeons, raccoons and sometimes urban coyotes are found throughout the whole city. Alley Pond parks in Queens provide sanctuaries for many species, which now-a-days is a great thing because the more pollution the human being generates, the more species die every day. As mentioned earlier, contamination is a real problem in New York, and it is also something its vegetation has to put up with, meaning acid rains caused by all kinds of contamination, large components of ozone, vehicle emissions, industrialized products, and so much more. In the other hand, people who run the botanical gardens in Bronx and Brooklyn try to deal with this issue by planting trees and taking care of every green zone they can.

New York Attractions.

  • Empire State Building: being one of the most visited skyscrapers in New York at a year, this building was built in approximately 11 months, its height is 1,454 foot tall, and it remained the city’s largest building since its construction and inauguration done by president Herbert Hoover in 1931 until many other buildings were made and reached a higher altitude. The 86th floor offers the best view, with a very famous 360-degree open observatory that gives extraordinary views to everyone who visits the Empire State Building. There are also great views from the level 102 indoors observatory. An interesting thing to know about this attraction is that since 1976, it has brought different color lights for the whole city in the holidays. (Gibson C, 2017)Resultado de imagen para empire state building(Sonnet S, n/d)


  • Brooklyn Bridge: When it first opened in 1883, it was the longest suspension bridge of the world, it was also the first structure to cross the East River. This is a 1.3 mile long bridge that was designed by the engineer John A. Roebling. Now-a-days people like to cross walking, with their cars, bikes, and maybe even skates, besides, they are pretty easy ways to go through the boroughs. (Wright T, 2016)Resultado de imagen para brooklyn bridge(Schaer J, n/d)


  • The Statue of Liberty: Being the Lady Liberty in the Liberty Island, people have to travel from one island to another and get there in a ferri, just so they can go up to the crown of the lady and experience a panoramic view of New York City. The 305 foot Statue had been a gift from France and it was inaugurated in 1886, since that day, the statue holds the torch that represents freedom for all north-americans and lots of people from all over the world go every year to visit her and celebrate with locals what she represents. (Goldhagen S, 2017)Resultado de imagen para the statue of liberty(Kaushkin, P. n/d)


  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art: An iconic structure that holds 17 artistic collections that show many cultural representations to the hundreds of tourists that visit the museum every day. This is presumed to be the biggest museum in New York City and it was inaugurated on 1880. In this worldwide-known museum you can find from prehistoric Egyptian sculptures to modern photographs and paintings. (Halle H, 2017)

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(NYC ARTS, n/d)                                    (Wikipedia, 2012)

  • The High Line: This is a very well-known place in which people can go and see the amazing sunsets from a higher view than what they normally have in the city, it is the most famous elevated park with wild flowers and grasses in New York, mostly because it is located in Manhattan. It’s origin it’s actually very interesting; it used to be a rail track until it was no longer in use in 1980, then it became a 1.45 mile long green area in 2009. The High Line is a really nice place to spend a day with your family or friends an appreciate the city view. (Derico E, 2017).Resultado de imagen para the high line(Baan I, n/d)


  • The 9/11 Memorial and Museum: In what was before the floor where the Twin Towers were, now there lies this memorial museum that is meant to commemorate all the souls that were lost in the tragedy that was caused by terrorist attacks on september 11th, 2001, and the World Trade Center bombing in 1993. The monument has bronze panels with the names of 3,000 deceased people in those dates, including the rescue teams who died doing their job and trying to save as much people as they could. The museum also offers pictures and footage of the attack and visitors are able to see recovered objects. The monument has a quote that I find very inspiring: “No Day Shall Erase You from the Memory of Time,” I think it’s important to acknowledge this quote because things like this not only happen in the United States, but also in many other countries around the globe, including ours, that’s why I think it is important to remember those innocents whose lives were lost in such an inevitable tragedy. (Kotch A, 2017)

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  • American Museum of Natural History: There are plenty of things you can find the minute you get into this museum; from actual specimens that have to be locked in special rooms; which function is to maintain in the best condition some fossils for a long time, they also have walls made of crystals for everyone to see them, to other fossils that can actually be touched,  that is one of the reasons why this is a very famous museum, meaning that museums in Mexico mostly show replicas to their visitors. This worldwide-famous museum also counts with cultural halls to show tourists and locals North America’s evolutionary history. The museum is 148 years old and receives people of all ages because there’s something interesting for every visitor in here. (Wright T, 2016)

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(Night at the Museum Wiki, n/d)

  • Museum of Modern Art. This is an endless-explore museum that will wrap you into its numerous paintings and sculptures. It also includes a cinema, a sculpture garden with works of Pablo Picasso and more famous artists, and lastly but not less important, this museum has a restaurant that the visitors can have access to. This amazing museum is very well-known for its big and permanent exhibitions. (Halle H, 2017)

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In conclusion and as a person that already visit this wonderful city, I can tell that it is worth it to go there and visit as many places and streets as you can and even buy things that you can’t in other places. I really recommend going to New York City because in my experience, it is one of the most colorful and diverse cities not only in the United States, but in the whole world too.

New York, just like the song says, is the city that never sleeps. I could experience and learn by myself what I previously mentioned and I’m very happy that I did because I was able to imagine what was happening in every single place in where the lights were on, what the locals, tourists or immigrants were doing and what was their reason to keep the lights on; maybe they were spending time together, working, or they might have just wanted to honor the song that talks about this city.

I understand that sometimes people don’t have the necessary resources to travel, but I still think that from time to time, it is important that we try to get out of our comfort zone and go somewhere else, even if it’s just for a day, we can learn a lot of different, interesting, and new things.



ENCICLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA(2018) New York City. Retrieved April 10, 2018, from:

Gibson, C (June 21st, 2017) The Best New York Attractions/ Empire State Building. Retrieved April 10, 2018, from:…/empire-state-building-manhattan-ny

Goldhagen, S (June 30, 2017)The Best New York Attractions/ The Statue of Liberty. Retrieved April 11, 2018, from:…/the-statue-of-liberty-manhattan-ny

Wright, T (June 30, 2016)The Best New York Attractions/Brooklyn Bridge. Retrieved April 10, 2018,…/brooklyn-bridge-new-york-ny

Halle, H (April 27, 2017)The Best New York Attractions/ Metropolitan Museum of Art. Retrieved April 11, 2018, from:

Derico, E (July 18,2017)The Best New York Attractions/ The High Line. Retrieved April 11, 2018, from:

Kotch, A ( June 26,2017)The Best New York Attractions/ National September 11 Memorial and Museum. Retrieved April 12, 2018, from:

Wright, T ( March 24, 2017)The Best New York Attractions/American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved April 13, 2018, from:  ://

Halle, H ( August 15, 2017)The Best New York Attractions/Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved April 13, 2018, from:

NYC ARTS(n/d) [Photograph] ARTNEWS

Baan, I(n/d)[Photograph] FRIENDS OF THE HIGH LINE

Kaushkin, P (n/d)[Photograph] indiacsr

Schaer, J(n/d)[Photograph] NYC The Official Guide

Sonnet, S(December 12, 2017)[Photograph] tripsavvy


Night at the Museum Wiki(n/d)[Photograph] Night at the Museum Wiki

White, M(n/d) [Photograph] NYC The Official Guide

Wikipedia(2012) [Photograph] Wikipedia

Hursley, T(n/d) [Photograph] archdaily










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